Results for 'Asta K. Håberg'

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  1.  82
    Nondirective meditation activates default mode network and areas associated with memory retrieval and emotional processing.Jian Xu, Alexandra Vik, Inge R. Groote, Jim Lagopoulos, Are Holen, Øyvind Ellingsen, Asta K. Håberg & Svend Davanger - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Outcome Uncertainty and Brain Activity Aberrance in the Insula and Anterior Cingulate Cortex Are Associated with Dysfunctional Impulsivity in Borderline Personality Disorder.Jørgen Assar Mortensen, Hallvard Røe Evensmoen, Gunilla Klensmeden & Asta Kristine Håberg - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  3. Categories We Live By: Reply to Alcoff, Butler, and Roth. Ásta - 2021 - European Journal of Philosophy 31 (1):310-318.
    The author of Categories We Live By replies to critics Linda Martín Alcoff, Judith Butler, and Abraham Sesshu Roth.
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  4. The Social Construction of Human Kinds.Ásta Kristjana Sveinsdóttir - 2013 - Hypatia 28 (4):716-732.
    Social construction theorists face a certain challenge to the effect that they confuse the epistemic and the metaphysical: surely our conceptions of something are influenced by social practices, but that doesn't show that the nature of the thing in question is so influenced. In this paper I take up this challenge and offer a general framework to support the claim that a human kind is socially constructed, when this is understood as a metaphysical claim and as a part of a (...)
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  5. The Metaphysics of Sex and Gender.Ásta Kristjana Sveinsdóttir - 2010 - In Charlotte Witt, Feminist Metaphysics: Explorations in the Ontology of Sex, Gender and the Self. Springer Verlag. pp. 47--65.
    In this chapter I offer an interpretation of Judith Butler’s metaphysics of sex and gender and situate it in the ontological landscape alongside what has long been the received view of sex and gender in the English speaking world, which owes its inspiration to the works of Simone de Beauvoir. I then offer a critique of Butler’s view, as interpreted, and subsequently an original account of sex and gender, according to which both are constructed—or conferred, as I would put it— (...)
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  6. Social Construction.Ásta Sveinsdóttir - 2015 - Philosophy Compass 10 (12):884-892.
    What is social construction? This essay offers a survey of the various ways in which something could be socially constructed and then addresses briefly the questions whether social constructionism involves an untenable anti-realism and what, if anything, unifies all social construction claims.
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    Can Conferralism Account for Systemic Racism? Ásta - 2022 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 60 (S1):21-36.
    Conferralism about race is a version of social constructivism about race, where the agents of construction seem to be individual agents. However, an important aspect of racism is systemic or structural, and seemingly not about the behavior of individual agents. Can conferralism account for that? In this paper, I begin to address that question by focusing on recent criticism of conferralism by Linda Martín Alcoff and Aaron Griffith.
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  8. Categorical Injustice. Ásta - 2019 - Journal of Social Philosophy 50 (4):392-406.
  9. Essentiality conferred.Ásta Sveinsdóttir - 2008 - Philosophical Studies 140 (1):135 - 148.
    In this article I introduce a certain kind of anti-realist account of what makes a property essential to an object and defend it against likely objections. This account, which I call a ‘conferralist’ account, shares some of the attractive features of other anti-realist accounts, such as conventionalism and expressivism, but I believe, not their respective drawbacks.
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  10. What are Sex and Gender and what Do We Want them to Be?Ásta Ásta - 2023 - Metaphysics 6 (1):37.
    We are living in times where there is considerable debate over what sex and gender are and who gets to be of what sex and what gender. These are questions that impact people’s lives greatly, some more than others. They are metaphysical questions, but they also concern what principles we should be guided by when allocating resources, services, and protections to people with potentially different needs. There are also methodological questions in the vicinity. In this essay, I draw on my (...)
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  11. Knowledge of essence: the conferralist story.Ásta Kristjana Sveinsdóttir - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 166 (1):21-32.
    Realist essentialists face a prima facie challenge in accounting for our knowledge of the essences of things, and in particular, in justifying our engaging in thought experiments to gain such knowledge. In contrast, conferralist essentialism has an attractive story to tell about how we gain knowledge of the essences of things, and how thought experiments are a justified method for gaining such knowledge. The conferralist story is told in this essay.
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    Interstitial Injustice. Ásta - forthcoming - Social Epistemology.
    Social construction is involved in various forms of injustice that have been in focus in recent years, such as testimonial and discursive injustice. There is also injustice that is distinctly metaphysical and involves acting and being, and recent work has identified various forms of it, including categorical injustice, ontic injustice and ontological oppression. Less attention has been paid to cases that fall betwixt and between, to the unintelligible and interstitial. In this paper, I discuss how conferralism can account for certain (...)
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    Social Ontology: Where Now? Ásta - 2024 - Journal of Social Ontology 10 (3):7-10.
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    Ontology and Oppression: Race, Gender, and Social Reality, by Katharine Jenkins. Ásta - forthcoming - Mind.
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    Ideological Absorption and Countertechniques: Comments on Lindemann.Asta - 2020 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 17 (3).
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    Response to Critics. Ásta - 2019 - Journal of Social Ontology 5 (2):273-283.
    This is a response to the critical comments by Åsa Burman, Esa Díaz-León, Aaron Griffith, and Katharine Jenkins.
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    Children's Laughter and Emotion Sharing With Peers and Adults in Preschool.Asta Cekaite & Mats Andrén - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    The present study investigates how laughter features in the everyday lives of 3-5-year old children in Swedish preschools. It examines and discusses typical laughter patterns and their functions with a particular focus on children’s and intergenerational (child-adult/educator) laughter in early education context. The research questions concern: who laughs with whom; how do adults respond to children’s laughter, and what characterizes the social situations in which laughter is used and reciprocated. Theoretically, the study answers the call for sociocultural approaches that contextualize (...)
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  18. Précis: Categories We Live By. Ásta - 2019 - Journal of Social Ontology 5 (2):229-233.
    The project of Categories We Live By is to offer a metaphysics of social categories. The strategy is to give a theory of social properties of individuals. The main components of the theory are a conferralist framework for properties; an account of social meaning; and an account of social construction; accompanying is also an account of social identity. This theory can be applies to offer concrete conferralist proposals of categories such as sex, gender, race, disability, religion, and LGBTQ categories. This (...)
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  19. Siding with euthyphro: Response-dependence and conferred properties.Ásta Kristjana Sveinsdóttir - 2008 - European Journal of Philosophy 18 (1):108-125.
    : I argue that a response‐dependence account of a concept can yield metaphysical results, and not merely epistemological or semantical results, which has been a prevalent view in the literature on response‐dependence. In particular, I show how one can argue for a conferralist account of a certain property by arguing that the concept of the property is response‐dependent, if certain assumptions are made.
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    Inteligencia y planificación en el Ejército. Una aproximación prospectiva.Antonio Arregui Asta - 2000 - Arbor 165 (651):445-474.
    La Planificación en los Ejércitos abarca múltiples facetas, desde la determinación de su entidad, composición y misiones, al establecimiento de los posibles escenarios de intervención. En esta planificación han de tenerse en cuenta no sólo datos conocidos o predeterminados, sino también factores inciertos referidos especialmente a los riesgos o amenazas que presumiblemente tendrán que afrontar o evitar En este artículo se consideran los parámetros conocidos y se pasa a analizar qué es, cómo se elabora y qué productos puede proporcionar la (...)
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    Arbitrary Decision-making and the Rule of Law.Francesca Asta - 2020 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 2:107-136.
    Many studies have highlighted a substantial "bureaucracy domination" in procedures relating to migrants’ access to territory. This form of domination is marked by highly discretionary and arbitrary practices, enacted by the administrative authorities of the state. Only minor attention, however, has been devoted to the arbitrariness of judicial decisions and to the judicial role in general in the numerous proceedings that increasingly affect the path of migrants. This path is the main object of this paper. The study focuses on Italian (...)
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  22.  14
    Emotion Socialization in Teacher-Child Interaction: Teachers’ Responses to Children’s Negative Emotions.Asta Cekaite & Anna Ekström - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    The present study examines 1- to 5-year-old children’s emotion socialization in an early childhood educational setting (a preschool) in Sweden. Specifically, it examines social situations where teachers respond to children’s negative emotional expressions and negatively emotionally charged social acts, characterized by anger, irritation and distress. Data consist of 14 hours of video observations of daily activities, recorded in a public Swedish preschool, located in a suburban middle-class area and include 35 children and five preschool teachers. By adopting a sociocultural perspective (...)
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  23. L'image d'un Dieu qui passe. Lecture théologique de la Vocation de S. Matthieu de Caravage.A. Dall'Asta - 1997 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 85 (3):335-367.
    La peinture de Caravage occupe une position stratégique entre l'art religieux du XVIe siècle, dont le naturalisme, ainsi chez Carracci, est imprégné de présence divine, et le réalisme sécularisé qui triomphera au XIXe siècle. Aussi a-t-elle été l'objet d'incessants conflits d'interprétation, commencés déjà de son temps. Elle ne paraissait pas d'accord, en effet, avec les consignes d'orthodoxie données aux artistes par les théologiens de la Contre-Réforme, et clairement rappelées à Caravage dans le contrat qui lui avait été fixé en 1565 (...)
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    Influence of Impossibility of Performance on the Validity of Legal Transactions – Application of the Rule “impossibilium nulla obligatio est” in Modern Law.Asta Dambrauskaitė - 2009 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 117 (3):313-337.
    The article deals with the issue of initial impossibility of performance of an obligation and the influence of such impossibility of performance on the validity of the legal transaction that establishes such an obligation. The legal doctrine convincingly demonstrates that for Roman lawyers the rule Impossitionbilium nulla obligatio est merely meant that nobody can be obliged to perform something that cannot be performed; however, it did not necessarily follow that a contract establishing such an obligation was void. Modern civil codifications (...)
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    (1 other version)The Development of Lithuanian Civil Law before and after the Adoption of the Civil Code in 2000 (text only in French).Asta Dambrauskaitė - 2010 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 121 (3):195-211.
    The article outlines some aspects of the civil law in Lithuania, an Eastern European country, which underwent an essential transformation in the last decades. The author outlines the development of the Lithuanian civil law from the oldest written sources up to the adoption of the new Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania in 2000. The author is critical about the denomination of Lithuania as a “new” state and draws attention to the history of Lithuanian law, which spans hundreds of (...)
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  26.  27
    Transfer of the Rights of Succession (text only in Lithuanian).Asta Dambrauskaitė - 2010 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 122 (4):111-133.
    The article deals with a specific type of contract that an heir is entitled to conclude—the transfer (or sale) of the rights of succession. As a starting point, the author of the article analyses the formation and further development of the transfer of succession as a whole (hereditas) in the Roman law. Two major proceedings used by Roman lawyers for the purposes of the alienation of hereditas are analysed, one being in iure cessio hereditatis and the second taking the form (...)
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  27.  5
    La creatività a partire da Berdjaev.Adriano Dell'Asta - 1977 - Milano : Jaca book,:
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    Teori - praksis: positivistisk hermeneutisk kritisk videnskabsteori.Asta Fink - 1973 - Grenå: GMT.
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  29. Pokyčius patiriančių socialinių darbuotojų emocinės reakcijos ir elgsenos modeliai sprendžiant konfliktus.Asta Kiaunytė & Jonas Ruškus - 2011 - Filosofija. Sociologija 21 (4).
    Straipsnyje analizuojamas socialinio darbo kompleksiškumas. Analizės tikslas – atskleisti santykį tarp socialinių darbuotojų elgsenos sprendžiant konfliktus ir emocinių reakcijų patiriant pokyčius. Tyrimo rezultatai rodo, kad nepastovus, mobilus, rizikingas socialinis darbas lemia daugialypes emocines reakcijas. Profesiniai konfliktai ir pokyčiai gali tapti teigiamų emocinių reakcijų šaltiniu ir organizacijos vystymosi motyvu. Lygiaverčiai ir atviri profesiniai santykiai, net ir esant pokyčiams bei konfliktams, gali determinuoti socialinio darbuotojo energiją, kūrybiškumą, entuziazmą. Organizacinė kultūra nulems, ar darbuotojai išnaudos kompleksinius profesinius iššūkius savo profesinio tapatumo stiprinimui ir profesinės (...)
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    Lietuvos profesinių sąjungų sektoriaus centralizacija ir koncentracija.Asta Krašenkienė - 2013 - Filosofija. Sociologija 23 (4).
    Lietuvos profesinės sąjungos pasižymi menku mokslinio pažinimo lygiu: trūksta duomenų apie sąjungų narystę, veiklą, sektoriaus sandarą ir esmines problemas. Apibūdinant įvairių šalių sąjungas, dažnai analizuojami sektoriaus sandaros aspektai, atspindintys sąjungų pasiskirstymą, organizavimą. Sandara tyrinėjama įvertinant santykinius dydžius, skaičiuojant centralizacijos ir koncentracijos, fragmentacijos indeksus. Apskaičiuoti indeksai rodo gana ryškią Lietuvos profesinių sąjungų sektoriaus decentralizaciją, aukštą koncentraciją tarp nacionalinių centrų, todėl konkurencija nėra didelė. Tačiau įvertinus apytikslę nepriklausomų sąjungų santykinę dalį, koncentracijos indeksas rodo išaugusią konkurenciją. Absoliučia vidine konkurencija pasižymi daugiau nei du (...)
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    Exploring the Theories of Radicalization.Asta Maskaliūnaitė - 2015 - International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal 17 (1):9-26.
    After the London bombings in July 2005, the concern of terrorism scholars and policy makers has turned to “home-grown” terrorism and potential for political violence from within the states. “Radicalization” became a new buzz word. This article follows a number of reviews of the literature on radicalization and offers another angle for looking at this research. First, it discusses the term “radicalization” and suggests the use of the following definition of radicalization as a process by which a person adopts belief (...)
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  32. (1 other version)Anarchic educational leadership: An alternative approach to postgraduate supervision.Asta Rau - 2008 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology: Phenomenology and Education: Special Edition 8:1-17.
    Supervision is widely acknowledged as influencing the quality of postgraduate theses, and thus, by implication, of postgraduates. Despite this, the literature on conducting research offers little guidance in respect of managing the supervision relationship. This paper opens a window onto the relationship - and particularly the power relationship - between a particular supervisor of postgraduate research, Howard, and his Master's student, Ray. It draws on research that explores how contemporary influences in the university domain intersect with individual agency and with (...)
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  33. The structural changes of Lithuanian industry and tendencies of export development.Asta Saboniene - 2009 - Socialiniai tyrimai 2 (16):77-85.
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  34. Oxford Handbook of Feminist Philosophy.Ásta Sveinsdóttir & Kim Q. Hall (eds.) - 2021
    This exciting new Handbook offers a comprehensive overview of the contemporary state of the field in feminist philosophy. The editors' introduction and forty-five essays cover feminist critical engagements with philosophy and adjacent scholarly fields, as well as feminist approaches to current debates and crises across the world. Authors cover topics ranging from the ways in which feminist philosophy attends to other systems of oppression, and the gendered, racialized, and classed assumptions embedded in philosophical concepts, to feminist perspectives on prominent subfields (...)
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    The Naturalism Question in Feminism.Ásta Sveinsdóttir - 2015 - In Kelly James Clark, The Blackwell Companion to Naturalism. Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 49–60.
    The subject of this chapter is to what extent a feminist should embrace naturalist commitments. I characterize naturalism as involving two commitments: a rejection of normativity and a commitment to philosophy as a descriptive discipline consisting of empirical questions to be answered by empirical methods. I argue that a feminist should not be a naturalist about normativity, because feminists need to engage in an inherently normative enquiry. On the other hand, a naturalist move, wherein one offers a causal explanation to (...)
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  36. The Oxford Handbook of Feminist Philosophy.Ásta . & Kim Q. Hall (eds.) - 2021
  37. The Ant Trap: Rebuilding the Foundations of the Social Sciences. [REVIEW]Ásta Ásta - 2015 - Philosophical Review 127 (2):247-251.
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  38. Feminist metaphysics.Sally Haslanger & Ásta Kristjana Sveinsdóttir - 2008;2011 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Refractory suffering at the end of life and the assisted dying debate: An interview study with palliative care nurses and doctors.Kristine Espegren Gustad, Åsta Askjer, Per Nortvedt, Olav Magnus S. Fredheim & Morten Magelssen - 2021 - Clinical Ethics 16 (2):98-104.
    Background How often does refractory suffering, which is suffering due to symptoms that cannot be adequately controlled, occur at the end of life in modern palliative care? What are the causes of such refractory suffering? Should euthanasia be offered for refractory suffering at the end of life? We sought to shed light on these questions through interviews with palliative care specialists. Methods Semi-structured interviews with six nurses and six doctors working in palliative care in five Norwegian hospitals. Transcripts were analysed (...)
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  40. The pull of social roles. [REVIEW] Ásta - 2012 - The Philosophers' Magazine 57 (57):118-119.
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    Review of Anthony O'Hear, The Landscape of Humanity: Art, Culture, and Society[REVIEW]Ásta Kristjana Sveinsdóttir - 2009 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2009 (6).
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  42. Review of The Metaphysics of Gender by Charlotte Witt. [REVIEW]Ásta Kristjana Sveinsdóttir - 2012 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2012 (5).
  43. The Metaphysics of Gender, by Charlotte Witt (Oxford University Press), $24.95/£ 15.99. [REVIEW]Ásta Kristjana Sveinsdóttir - 2012 - The Philosophers' Magazine 57:118-119.
  44.  50
    Development of interatomic potentials appropriate for simulation of solid–liquid interface properties in Al–Mg alloys.M. I. Mendelev, M. Asta, M. J. Rahman & J. J. Hoyt - 2009 - Philosophical Magazine 89 (34-36):3269-3285.
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    Studying the emerging global brain: Analyzing and visualizing the impact of co‐authorship teams.Katy Börner, Luca Dall'Asta, Weimao Ke & Alessandro Vespignani - 2005 - Complexity 10 (4):57-67.
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    Beyond Macroethics: Developing an Ethical Framework for Interview Data Collection and Analysis to Acknowledge Participant Rights.Mona Hosseini & Åsta Haukås - forthcoming - Journal of Academic Ethics:1-19.
    Participant rights and voices are protected through institutional ethical considerations in the social sciences and applied linguistics. Yet, several ethical concerns remain. In addition to adhering to institutional macroethics, researchers should develop microethics to address contextual issues within their research. The need for the development of microethics is particularly important in the qualitative research process where researchers engage in studies with participants rather than treating them merely as data sources. Drawing on key concepts in philosophical hermeneutics, the current study discusses (...)
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    Repetition and Joking in Children’s Second Language Conversations: Playful Recyclings in an Immersion Classroom.Karin Aronsson & Asta Cekaite - 2004 - Discourse Studies 6 (3):373-392.
    Repetition is often associated with traditional teaching drills. However, it has been documented how repetitions are exploited by learners themselves. In a study of immersion classroom conversations, it was found that playful recyclings were recurrent features of young learners’ second language repertoires. Such joking events were identified on the basis of the participants’ displayed amusement, and they often involved activity-based jokes and meta pragmatic play, that is, joking about how or by whom something is said. Two types of recyclings: intertextual (...)
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    Evolution of the Protection of Surviving Spouse's Inheritance Rights under the French and Lithuanian Law.Anne Cathelineau-Roulaud & Asta Dambrauskaitė - 2013 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 20 (1):57-76.
    The article analyses, in a comparative perspective, the phenomenon of the evolution of the protection of surviving spouse’s inheritance rights in France and Lithuania, the two legal systems historically having some points of interaction. The protection of the surviving spouse is one of the major preoccupations of married couples of today, the couple occupying a central role within the contemporary family. Comparative analysis reveals certain points of convergence between these two legal systems inasmuch the surviving spouse is considered by both (...)
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    Temperature dependence of the structure and shear response of a Σ11 asymmetric tilt grain boundary in copper from molecular-dynamics.S. J. Fensin, M. Asta & R. G. Hoagland - 2012 - Philosophical Magazine 92 (34):4320-4333.
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    Pathology of Balkan endemic nephropathy. A correlation with established kidney disease entities.Dušan Ferluga, Asta Hvala, S. Trnacevic, A. Halilbašic, M. Vukelic, S. Cˇeovic & Alenka Vizjak - 2002 - Facta Universitatis, Series: Linguistics and Literature 9:82-87.
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